1:1 topics

While Cyans promotes "topic-based communication", sometimes a quick direct message (unrelated to a topic) is all you need.

For this, you can use "1:1" topics: A single, ongoing topic between you and 1 other person.


If anything in a 1:1 topic requires more thought, you can always create a new standalone topic for it.

How do you create a 1:1 topic?

Simply create a regular topic between you and one other person, and pay special attention to the "subject":

The subject starts with [1:1], followed by two usernames, sorted alphabetically.

This subject name convention allows APIs and personal 1:1 links to work.

Encourage users to use a 1:1 topic with you

You can invite users to your personal 1:1 link:

Make sure to replace MY-USERNAME with your actual username. This will automatically redirect the user to your shared 1:1 topic if it exists, or propose creating one if it does not yet exist.
